Katie ala The Neotraditionalist posted this little quote today on Twitter, and I've been musing on it all day.
It's not only a lovely sentiment, it's really, really true!
To celebrate, we ate pizza and drank beer. OK, we would've had pizza and beer regardless of the day.
But don't worry-- it was good beer. Purple Haze, to be exact.
I'm writing again, friends!
It's been a while, because to make a short story long, my novel and I had to take some time apart, but then we decided to be friends again, but it had been so long that things were really awkward. Everybody's been there, right? It got so bad that I would go to SCBWI meetings and worry that everyone could tell I didn't belong because I wasn't really writing.
So, thankfully, a writing friend told me about this little project that challenges you to write a short story every day in May. So I signed up and even convinced a couple other friends to join with me. We writers have to stick together!
So far, I've written three short stories: one YA, one MG and one picture book.
In case you noticed that today is the fourth not the third and you wondered, "What gives?" I decided to make weekends optional. Hey, I need to be realistic with my goals. Don't want to get saddle-sore, pardner.
*according to Amy and Nathan's personal taste and opinion, multiple awards may be given annually, winners subject to change without notice
Just tried this spectacular chocolate yesterday, and all I can say is I'm in.
I typically gravitate to dark chocolate, not milk chocolate, but this bar is perfection. The salted peanuts really heighten the flavors of the creamy chocolate and the snappy jalapeno.
We're not ones to shy away from unusual chocolates, either. Mo's Bacon Bar by Vosgues Haute Chocolat may not be as delicious as Nathan's bacon ice cream, but it still finds its way into my grocery basket from time to time.
Also, the subtle lavender in New Tree's Tranquility bar is pure heaven.
Any unusual sweets or treats that you like to indulge in? Do tell.
Yes, we've done a little bit of work today. But not much. Mostly, we were really lazy.
Just like Parnell and Samberg. Only instead of watching The Chronicles of Narnia, we're watching Arachnophobia on Scifi.
Now all we need are some cupcakes. Mmmmm. Cupcakes...