2. English ivy
Yes, I know it's really, really bad for trees and walls. But isn't it beautiful?
English ivy AND red geraniums? Pretty sure this restaurant is heaven.
3. crestview doors
I had practically given up on the words "cool exterior door" going into the same sentence. Then, we found Crestview doors. Great mid-century design, easy to DIY and they're local! The only problem we're going to have is which design to pick.

4. Blue Q water bottles

5. red (or as it appears to me, pink) yucca
BONUS: fried yucca with queso
Decidedly not on our diet, but one of my favorite treats from Sao Paulos, which is on our list of places for fabulous cheat meals. If you're going there, kindly get yourself a basil mojito to go along with that fried yucca.
Amy and Nathan Buy a House! Update
(for those of you who aren't on Twitter, mainly)
In a whirlwind of events, we've made a offer on our favorite house and it went through inspection like a champ. Today we're in ESCROW. And before you know it, we'll be inviting all of you lovely people over for cocktails! Maybe even an outdoor dinner party (see above). Keep your fingers crossed for us!