This is the first weekend in years and years that we don't have a shoot or wedding. OK, not years. But it sort of feels that way.
And aside from shooting in the glowy morning light alongside the mister, I happen to love sleeping in until 11. Shameful, isn't it?
Other than a meet-up I have with a friend on Sunday to plan for a stylish new enterprise (more on that later!), we fully intend to do the minimal amount of work this weekend, curl up with movies upon movies and possibly make these recipes.
They fit the new diet, (other than the corn, so I may nix that bit) and don't they look marvelous?
What are you up to this weekend?
Oo, I'm drooling over that butternut squash salad. With chick peas? Yum! Hope you are having a fantastically lazy weekend!
So glad you liked the hatch stuffed chicken! I have 3 other hatch recipes in the backlog...your comment inspired me to get to work and actually post them. :) Thanks!
Thanks, Chelsea! Both the recipes we made turned out super good. And considering i'm not superwoman in the kitchen, I'll take those odds! Hope you're having a great weekend!
Crystal- Thanks and you're welcome! I realized when I pulled out our chicken that I actually had tenders, but I just flattened them a bit and then sandwiched them with the Jack and chile in the middle, using toothpicks to help keep them together. Worked just fine! I really like your blog and can't wait to make more recipes from it!
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