Friday, August 12, 2011

Friday Favorites, vol. 61

1. old buses

BONUS: old double-decker buses

2. prep-school-inspired striped ties
Two school colors, horizontally striped.

3. black and white kitchen floors

4. raw honeycombs
One of the most delicious things I've ever tasted. from Savanna Bee

BONUS: Antonelli's Cheese Shop
A lovely local shop in Hyde Park, where you can also pick up Savanna Bee honeycombs to enjoy.
And BONUS: You can taste any cheese you want out of the case.

5. top knots
I've liked top knots for as long as they've been around, but I never imagined I could have one-- until now. (See video below.)

BONUS: the most amazing bun tutorial EVER
(Yes, she's using a sock. Yes, I've tried it and it actually works!)

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