In Austin, we don't so much get snow days as ice days. And since so many people here don't really know how to drive on it, we're guaranteed an ice day/day off from school every couple years. Even though you have to make up the days later in the year, I still think it's worth it. Nothing better than staying in, having a fire, making yummy food and having movie marathons.

2. fur hats

3. seychelles heels
My new favorite mustard-colored heels are by Seychelles. How did I not know about this shoe company before? All their shoes look like they're from 1920s Paris, I swear. I got these heels on discount from DSW, and although they're not listed online, you may still be able to find them in store.

4. twin sets
And by twin sets, I mean this kind:

Not this kind:

Although, technically, this would be twins... in twinsets?

5. date night

BONUS: pomsecco
My favorite drink from Blue Star Cafeteria, which is pomegranate juice and prosecco.
We just went there last night for date night/cheat meal of the week, and I got to enjoy this bubbly confection.

BONUS Bonus: Documentaries
After dinner, we watched this little film. If you know us, you pretty much know that we aren't planning to have children right now, but we really do adore children. And pretty photography. And pretty light. So this little documentary (which has almost no talking) along with its cultural contrasts was so fascinating.
Some of our other favorite documentaries:
Man on Wire
King of Kong
I also love Trekkies, Hands on a Hardbody and if you're up for some more serious fare, The Corporation, The Rape of Europa, and Seven Up (which is both hilarious and heartbreaking) are all amazing.
Do you have any documentaries you recommend?
Love your favorites. Seychelles are my favorite shoe brand I have ever discovered. Comfy, retro chic! I loved the Babies documentary. I watched The Cove recently. So sad but I felt like I needed up jump up and save the dolphins. I think it's on Netflix instant too.
Ramblings of a Small Town Girl
You should check out Young at Heart. It's about a senior citizen choir group. It's totally adorable and they sing more current songs.
those drinks looks amazing. no more snow days here though =(
Poetry for Android
Kayla-- I totally need to watch The Cove. Pretty sure I'll be a crying mess from start to finish, but I suppose that's the whole point. I also think that one of the best things about documentaries is that when they bring things out into the open, sometimes that causes change. Hopefully that would be the case with this film.
Jenn-- I hadn't heard of it, but it sounds amazing! :) Will have to check it out.
Poetry-- The snow day/ice day we got was about a month ago. It actually feels like summer outside today! 80 degrees or something crazy like that. I wish winter in Texas lasted just a little bit longer....
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