Thursday, August 13, 2009

Maybe it happened when I turned 30.

Not sure. But at some point along the way, I realized that I like organization. I like tidiness. (That word looks funny....)

Tonight I decided to clean/organize our closet. There was nothing good on TV, believe it or not, and if I didn't act soon, our closet was going to collapse into a black hole and kill someone.

Here was my motivation:

A Pandora radio station started with the Cars' "Just What I Needed" and a beautiful pina colada.

Abigail really wanted to help.

Either that, or she really wanted my colada.

This was BEFORE:

Scary, no?

And then, after much '80s dancing, colada drinking, kicking and screaming and gnashing of teeth, I give you AFTER:

Ta da!!! Maisy was confused, as you can see. Then again, she's confused most of the time.

And best of all, the shoes...

Aaaahhhh. A closet of beauty is a joy forever.

Cleaning the Closet Colada:
Equal parts cream of coconut, pineapple juice and spiced rum.
(1/4 cup is a good starting place, but don't be scared of the half cup, if your closet is extra big and very messy)
Blend with lots of ice until frothy.
Happy organizing!


Anonymous said...

Wow! Closet beautiful :)

amy said...

Thanks! I wish it were bigger, but it's quite organized and lovely now.

Colleen said...

Nice before and after.

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