I can't think about rollerskates without thinking about this song:
2. my tailors
I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have a tailor that you can trust to make your clothes perfect. One of my favorite things is to find unique pieces on the cheap at thrift shops and then have them taken in here, shortened there, and in the end: poof! Magic. So thank you, Ace Custom Tailors, for all the dresses, skirts, pants, and tops I've brought to you over the years. You also earned an A+ on Nathan's suit jacket!

3. camera straps from Souldier
Nathan has several of Souldier's seatbelt camera straps in different colors, and I recently ordered this little beauty, with a gold stripe. I already love it-- it fits Stella (my D90) just perfectly.

4. pink flamingos

5. lattes in holiday flavors: pumpkin spice, eggnog, gingerbread

Oh man do I love me an egg nog latte. Too bad it's got to be so hot here as to make the idea of actually consuming one impossible. I sort of want it to be cold JUST so I can drink one happily. While wearing a poncho.
Someday I hope to fill my front yard garden with pink flamingos and garden gnomes. What a magical place that would be...
Hahaha - I love the gingerbread man soaking in the latte. Hilarious!! Great photos!
Oh this list is so inspirational :) I share your love for rollerskates and lattes!
Your blog is lovely and I just wanted to say hi :) maybe we could follow each other if you'd like!
- the runaway
@Laurel-- I not only love eggnog lattes, I happen to love eggnog. Last Christmas, I discovered Alton Brown's eggnog recipe which has bourbon in it, and whoa. It's completely amazing. Like dessert in a glass, actually.
@Chelsea-- Me, too. Love both!
@Eliza-- I can't take credit for the photos. (Other than the flamingo ones, which my mister took on a recent engagement shoot-- LOVE!) they are mainly from iheartit.com, which sort of changed my life.
@the runaway-- Thanks! Posting my favorite things every Friday is a tad indulgent, but I can't help myself. Glad you like it. P.S. Your blog is so beautiful!
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