2. Circle Skirts

The only down side to circle skirts is it's dangerous to wear them on windy days. I've had Marilyn moments more than I'd care to admit in circle skirts. But they're worth the risk.
3. Rotary Phones

4. Patent Leather

A word of caution: Beware searching google images for "patent leather." Just sayin.
5. Rhubarb Pie

I never really loved pies until I tasted rhubarb. It's almost more tart than sweet, and absolutely perfect.
My good friend Stacy makes the most fabulous rhubarb pie. She professes that it's really easy, but based on how delicious it is, I don't believe her for a second.
circle skirts <3
lovelove, M.
The Texan Cafe in Hutto has a pie shop that is out of this world. One of their many pies is rhubarb. I know it's out of your neck of the hillcountry woods, but you should take a field trip some time.
@M-- Yes! I wish they were easier to find, though. Most of the time you have to buy them vintage or sew them yourself.
@Stephanie-- Thanks so much for the heads-up! I think Nathan has a shoot booked with someone in Hutto down the road, so what a perfect little treat.
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